A column on the art of traveling well
Paul Otteson
Index of Roadwise Articles
Hostel Smart
Not finding what you want in a hostels? Well take some of this advice.
What Now?
Because of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, you should lay low, right? I don't think so! Now is one of the best times to travel in years. Read why.
Road to Discovery
From "The World Awaits: How to Travel Far and Well"Vacation? Partying? Sightseeing? What is your trip all about? Don't waste your travel time!
Camping on the Sly
How to stretch your budget as thin as it will go by camping free in the cities and towns of the world.
People of the Bag: The Joy of Packing Light
Pack light, travel happyit's attitude as much as tonnage.
Cost vs. Flexibility: The Right Long-distance Ticket Package for You
Transport costs are high, but if you go too cheap, you lose flexibility... or do you?
After the Fire
When an arsonist set the Palace Backpackers Hostel afire in Childers, Australia, 15 travelers died.
What Makes a Hostel Great?
Some are amazing, some okay or worse. The difference is...
Hitting Town: The Anxiety of Inspired Travel
No reservations? You're free! ...but you need a place to sleep.
Hostels for Who?
Older, paired up, or in the family way? Keep hostelling!
Conned, Robbed & Victimized
Rarely, bad things happen to hostellers.
Trek Smart
Lessons from a great adventure in Nepal.
Passing on Passes
Do you really need hostel, rail, or air passes?
Walking on Eggshells
Engaging other cultures without doing damage.
The Unbeaten Path
Traveling the miles in your own shoes.
Paul Otteson / All Rights Reserved